Summer School Programs
and ESY
Use actionable data and individualized support to accelerate ELA and math growth in 3-6 weeks.

Summer school programs and ESY help close math and reading gaps
Because of the enormous loss of instructional time caused by the pandemic, many students continue to need additional instruction time. From the first moments of use, Let’s Go Learn’s online platform efficiently begins to fill gaps by treating students as the individuals we know them to be. Let’s Go Learn’s products:
- Support fully automatic summer school program/extended school year instruction in Math and ELA
- Support teacher-led programs by allowing easy daily flexible grouping and teacher-directed lesson assignments
- Provide vertically scaled data that allows for automatic growth measurement and progress monitoring
- Work for students in Tiers 1 to 3
- Ensure equity and access for all students, as well as legal compliance

This large urban school district saw 2-3 months of gains using the personalized learning solution LGL Math Edge as a summer intervention tool.

Intelligently promote individualized learning
Let’s Go Learn uses a superior model and technology to improve instruction.
- We organize foundational math into 44 sub-tests, each with a zone of proximal development (ZPD) for every student.
- Reading is organized into 7 sub-tests, each with its own ZPD.
- Products are web-based for easy use, both remotely and in class.
- Music, animations, and game-like interface ensure that all students have access to learning.
- We support extended school year (ESY) that can continue into gap-driven SDI.
- We offer real-time progress monitoring for legal compliance and program efficacy.