Tours for Schools & Districts

Let’s Go Learn Overview
Learn how Let’s Go Learn can be used as a platform to accelerate student achievement in math and reading in today’s new educational environment, which demands dynamic assessment and instructional tools for all students. (5 minute video)
Platform Overview System Tour
Take a quick tour overviewing the ways a teacher can use the Let’s Go Learn platform for remote and in-class learning to drive assessment and instruction for students in reading and mathematics. (5 minute video)
Diagnostic Assessments
See how teachers can use the detailed diagnostic reading data to help each student individually or to create small groups for small group instruction. This data is appropriate for general education students, students in interventions, or students with IEPs. (5 minute video)
See how foundational math is broken up into 44 sub-tests for unprecedented granularity to identify students’ specific gaps. This data can be used to assign scaffolded lessons to prepare students for upcoming group lessons, for teacher-directed lesson assignments, or for automated personalized learning. (6 minute video)
Online Differentiated Instruction and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)
See how the LGL Edge series uses music, voice intonation, animations, and more to help students fill their learning gaps quickly and efficiently. These bite-sized lessons zero in on students’ gaps and fill them in in a compelling and engaing way. Students of all ages, including adults, have used these lessons to master foundational reading and mathematics. (5 minute video)
Supporting English Learners with Assessment & Instruction
In addition to having our reading and math assessments available in English and Spanish, LGL supports English Learners fundamentally by using a diagnostic model that drives instruction to each student’s needs. This video shows how a teacher would use real student data for individual and small group instruction. (13 minute video)