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Let’s Go Learn allows you to measure and understand student math and reading skills with research-based, adaptive assessments. Then you can automatically build personalized learning paths from the data, creating the perfect supplementary curriculum.
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Schools around the world have closed due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. As of this week, all 50 states in the U.S. have some school districts closed, and 45 states have all schools closed. Edweek.org hosts a live, updated map of school closures which includes information on when schools expect to open, if that information is known. This means a huge influx of kids at home with lots of time on their hands, and LetsGoLearn has some excellent tools to help you maximize that time.

“Let’s Go Learn offers both math and reading diagnostic assessments which give you a detailed report showing exactly what your child needs to do next.”

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Automatic, personalized learning

With Let’s Go Learn, you can create personalized instruction that inspires success for each learner, as you differentiate curriculum for intervention, remediation, and enrichment.
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Your First Educational Step at Home

One great step a parent or guardian can take is to establish a baseline for their child at home, to determine where the child is right now, as schools close. Where does your child stand right now in math? Or reading? And then what is the next thing they should be taught, and in a way that’s personalized just for them?

You can do this with a diagnostic assessment. Let’s Go Learn offers both math and reading diagnostic assessments which give you a detailed report showing exactly what your child needs to do next. As your child masters different subjects, you’ll see that growth measured, and your lesson plan will adapt accordingly.

There’s actually a silver lining in having a child learning at home, although obviously nobody wants to have schools closed or students forced into these circumstances. But the benefit is that you can take the time now to gauge exactly where your child is in his or her education, and create a personalized lesson plan to be used at home.