It’s undeniable that technology has made an impact on education, especially during a year filled with distance and hybrid learning. Increased access to technology can be just as overwhelming as it is helpful. Different platforms offer different content, assessments, and reports. As educators and administrators, we’re always looking for the best data to help drive our instructional practices. When choosing a new platform for assessment or instruction, it is important to examine more than the material on which students will be assessed. You should also reflect on the type of reporting that will be available afterward, because it will be crucial to your planning process.
Detailed site and district reports are key for administrators. With access to site-level reporting, you will be able to notice trends and needs across your campus. You should also consider any district or site initiatives that are in place and examine how different reports can help you track progress on these initiatives. A great example of this is a report that shows average scores across grade levels. Are second graders struggling with phonics? Are sixth graders behind in multiplication? Using this type of report will allow you to be intentional about the types of intervention and support you provide to teachers and students at every grade level.

Another report to identify is one that correlates to your state’s standardized test. This report will give you the power to be proactive from the beginning of the school year. After the first round of testing, administrators should look for a report that provides an idea of how students will perform on the standardized tests at the end of the year. This will draw attention to the students who need immediate intervention, and administrators can plan for the support they will provide to address those needs.
For over 20 years, Let's Go Learn has been offering best-in-class, personalized assessments in reading and math. See for yourself!
More info...Teachers
Teachers are likely to focus on the type of reporting that is available to them at a class level in order to guide their instruction with their group of students. There are two types of reports that are beneficial to teachers at the classroom level: individual and grouping reports.
Detailed individual student reports let teachers know the student’s exact strengths and weaknesses. With this information, the teacher can plan for enrichment, intervention, and scaffolding as necessary in order to help each student be successful. The more detailed the information, the easier it is for the teacher to meet the needs of different students.
While detailed individual reports can provide a wealth of information, it can also be time saving to use reports that group students based on similar needs. Class grouping reports can be pulled ahead of time in order to plan for small-group instruction or to differentiate whole-group lessons. Grouping reports that provide specific next steps can be incredibly powerful when planning instruction.
Automatic, personalized learning
Our Solutions
At Let’s Go Learn, we strive to design reports that provide actionable data to teachers and administrators. Some examples include our Average Scores and Predictive State Proficiency reports on the administrator data portal.
See the Resources below to view full-sized, annotated versions of these reports.

The average scores report can be pulled by grade level to provide a quick snapshot of average scores. Administrators also have the ability to compare two different testing windows to monitor growth throughout the year.

Our Predictive State Proficiency Report gives administrators a quick view of the percentage of students who would be considered proficient or non-proficient on a standardized test based on their DORA or ADAM scores.
Teachers enjoy the specific skills and instructional goals provided in our ADAM Detail Report.

When planning small-group instruction, teachers will benefit from the Instructional Placement Report, which defines explicit skills to work on with each group of students.

Links to more sample reports:
Data Portal Sample Reports
DORA Teacher/Parent Report Sample
ADAM Detail Report
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