Why Districts Fail to Track Individual Technology Program Results—and How They Can Start

Why Districts Fail to Track Individual Technology Program Results—and How They Can Start Federal Programs departments, the custodians of Title I funding, play a crucial role in determining the allocation of resources to improve math and reading proficiency in K-12 schools. Yet, a glaring gap exists: most districts fail to track the specific

By |2024-12-02T18:34:14+00:00December 2nd, 2024|Education Reform|0 Comments

Parents: Curious about How Your Student Is Doing Mid-year? Try a Diagnostic Assessment!

Parents: Curious about How Your Student Is Doing Mid-year? Try a Diagnostic Assessment! As we move into the holiday break and the heart of the school year, many parents find themselves wondering: How are my children really doing in school? Are they on track? Is there anything to be concerned about? Whether your

By |2024-11-22T18:21:20+00:00November 22nd, 2024|Math Assessment|0 Comments

Humanize Data to Help Your Students Grow

Humanize Data to Help Your Students Grow In today's educational landscape, data is king. Schools collect vast amounts of information about student performance, but all too often, this data remains locked in spreadsheets or is used solely for administrative purposes. The challenge is to humanize data—transforming raw numbers into meaningful insights that can

By |2024-09-17T18:59:25+00:00September 17th, 2024|Reading Curriculum|0 Comments

Diagnostic Assessments for Students

Diagnostic Assessments for Students Diagnostic Assessments for Students: A Complete Evaluation Guide for Educators and Parents Diagnostic assessments are tools that gauge a student's academic skill set. These evaluations pinpoint a student’s strengths or areas where more practice is needed, offering an in-depth understanding of learning needs. Far from the typical classroom

By |2024-07-15T17:00:00+00:00July 12th, 2024|Math Assessment|0 Comments

How Misunderstanding Diagnostic Assessments Leads to Poor Data Use and Lower Student Outcomes

How Misunderstanding Diagnostic Assessments Leads to Poor Data Use and Lower Student Outcomes In today’s educational landscape, precision in diagnosing student needs is paramount. As an educational test developer dedicated to providing highly diagnostic assessments in math and reading, I am acutely aware of the discrepancies in the market regarding what constitutes a

By |2024-07-10T16:35:57+00:00July 3rd, 2024|Math Assessment|0 Comments

Learning Gap Identification Tools: Empowering Educators to Boost Student Success

Learning Gap Identification Tools: Empowering Educators to Boost Student Success In today's diverse classrooms, identifying and addressing learning gaps is crucial for ensuring that all students receive the support they need to thrive. Let's Go Learn, a leading provider of diagnostic assessments and personalized learning solutions, is dedicated to empowering educators with the

By |2024-06-07T18:01:55+00:00June 5th, 2024|Math Assessment|0 Comments

How to Assess and Adjust Mid-Year Academic Goals

How to Assess and Adjust Mid-Year Academic Goals As we find ourselves at the midway point of the academic year, it becomes increasingly important to pause and reflect on the goals set at the beginning of the school year. Whether you're a student navigating the challenges of coursework, an educator guiding a classroom,

By |2024-01-24T17:25:58+00:00November 20th, 2023|Homeschool|0 Comments

What is Instructional Scaffolding?

What Is Scaffolding in Education? Instructional scaffolding, or simply scaffolding, is an instructional strategy which helps students learn new skills by providing appropriate, flexible, temporary supports in their learning experience. It’s an iterative process of building a learning bridge between old and new material by systematically supporting new skills while building upon prior

By |2022-10-05T00:20:54+00:00October 5th, 2022|Education Reform|0 Comments

Why Many K-12 Schools and Districts are Failing in Mathematics and How We Can Make a Course Correction

Nationally, student K-12 math scores have been at an all-time low as measured by state accountability testing.  Much of this started ten to twelve years ago, when state standards were updated to become more rigorous.  Math was rightfully expanded to include not just basic numeracy (arithmetics) but also the application of mathematics in the

By |2022-09-01T23:51:42+00:00July 28th, 2022|Education Reform|0 Comments
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